Discuss Breastfeeding Hot Topics w/ Anna & Tamesha:
GALVANIZE action on improving working conditions and relevant support for breastfeeding
The Power of Peer Counseling
ENGAGE with individuals and organizations to enhance collaboration and support for breastfeeding at work
2024 Event Information
Delta Health Care's.
Breastfeeding Celebration
COVID-19 & Breastfeeding
ANCHOR optimal paid leave and workplace support as important tools to enable breastfeeding
What is World Breastfeeding Week?
Virtual Breast Milk Drive Kick-Off!
INFORM people about working parents’ perspectives on breastfeeding and parenting
Partner Spotlight:Mother’s Milk Bank
Virtual Milk Drive Update
Breastfeeding & Nutrition Spotlight
Delta Health Care's 13th Annual Breastfeeding Celebration will be held on Saturday, August 3, 2024!
This outdoor event, in observance of the 32nd Annual World Breastfeeding Week, will take place at 4662 Precissi Lane
in Stockton. Featured activities throughout the event include a human milk drive coordinated by the Mother’s Milk Bank; community resources available; WIC (Women, Infants & Children) resources; a photo booth, fun kids activities, raffle prizes and much more!
Visit www.worldbreastfeedingweek.org for more information!
Like us on www.Facebook.com/DeltaHealthCare to see all Breastfeeding Celebration posts!
Check out our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages!
Health Plan of San Joaquin www.hpsj.com
First 5 San Joaquin www.sjckids.org
Mother's Milk Bank www.mothersmilk.org
2022 Exhibitors/Vendors:
Emergency Food Bank of Stockton www.stocktonfoodbank.org
Community Partnership for Families www.cpfsj.org
Lodi Babywearers https://www.facebook.com/groups/lodibabywearers/
Black Infant Health www.sjcphs.org
Family Resource & Referral www.frrcsj.org
The Breastfeeding Coalition of San Joaquin County www.BreastfeedSJC.org
La Leche League www.llli.org
Child Abuse Prevention Council www.nochildabuse.org
El Concilio www.elconcilio.org
Washoe Tribe Native TANF Program www.washoetribe.us
San Joaquin General Hospital & County Clinics www.sjgeneral.org
and www.sjclinics.org
The Yoga Center www.stocktonyoga.com
Stockton Police Department www.stocktongov.com
Mothers Milk Bank www.mothersmilk.org
YMCA www.ymcasjc.org
Lao Family Community www.lfcempowerment.org
Rising Sun Center for Opportunity www.risingsunopp.org
Valley Mountain Regional Center (VMRC) www.vmrc.net
Parents By Choice www.parentsbychoice.net
Busy Bees www.facebook.com/Busy-Bee-Covers-400815026790086/
Read to Me, Stockton!www.readtomestockton.org